Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Summer Homework

Our principal asked us to write a reflection of our classrooms last year, here are the questions he gave us to focus our responses:

1. What do you think the motivational level in your classes was last year?

Last year in the majority of the classes I taught or co-taught the motivation level was on the low side. I do not believe that it was zero- however; it most certainly could have been higher. Of course there were students in every class who were individually motivated to succeed regardless of the opinions of their peers.

2. Was there a value problem? An expectancy problem?

I think that the biggest problem had to do with the students not seeing enough value in the subject and class time. This is something I experienced in study skills, if the students do not value their core subjects then they typically don’t value the extra time in study skills to work on their core subjects. This leads to a motivation problem in study skills. I think that our school does a good job mediating expectancy problems because we are so willing to offer help to students who need it. However, there will always be students who don’t believe they can complete work and thus their motivation is low- I don’t believe I experienced this type of problem as much as a value problem.

3. If you considered apathy to be an issue, what was your role in that?

I think that a teacher’s role with apathy starts from the very first day of school. Students can tell when they have worn you down to the point of you not caring either.

4. What was already working?

I think that I had consistent and high expectations for my students. I think when I conveyed them well they helped my students know how to be successful and succeed in my classroom.

5. What will you do differently?

One area I know I need to improve is communicating my expectations. I really liked how the CHAMPS book says to have guidelines for success which are separate from classroom rules. I am looking forward to having some good class discussions using the CHAMPS model for each activity and transition (Conversation, Help, Activity, Movement, Participation).

6. How will you monitor and assess the effectiveness of your new strategies?

Well for most of my students I will already be keeping track of behavioral data that can be compared to last year to see if the guidelines for success and classroom rules I use are effective. Part of making sure they are effective is using consistent consequences. These can also be tracked by a data collection method to ensure that I am fairly and consistently enforcing all the rules and their specified consequences.  Also if implementing the CHAMPS method is effective it will maximize instructional time which will lead to expected growth or higher than expected growth on the Student Learning Objective test.

Has anyone out there used the CHAMPS model in their classroom? Esp in the high school level?

Any suggestions on guidelines for success or classroom rules that you have used before that you liked?

Please feel free to post comments with any of your suggestions and ideas!

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