Sunday, May 31, 2015

End of the First Year

It's strange to think that this time last year I had already accepted my job as a Special Education Math teacher and was embarking on my last semester of grad school. I was so excited to actually start teaching in my own classroom- well co-teaching with another teacher! I loved the idea of co-teaching and collaborating with teachers who would make me a better teacher.

Selfie on the last day of school!

Friday was my last day of school as a first year teacher. Now I am starting my first week of post-planning ever tomorrow. Grades are due tomorrow- for once I feel on top of my stuff because I am already done with grades! We have all day tomorrow to pack up our classrooms and clean everything up. Either packing because you are moving classrooms or to allow your room to be deep cleaned over the summer. I can't tell you how excited I am to clean up, pack up, and get everything organized (just look at the state of my desk in the above selfie). Then on Tuesday we have an all day professional learning on classroom management. This is an area I most certainly need help with. Any and all information I can learn I will use! I am totally the nerd who is looking forward to spending 6 hours learning about something I need help with!

I have been trying to reflect on this past year and haven't really been able to put my experience into words yet. Soon I will post about things I have learned about about things I want to work on or focus on next year. Like I said in my first post- I will be teaching a new subject next year: Chemistry! While I am super excited about it because I LOVE chemistry. I am nervous though and feel like it will be a first year teaching experience again- hopefully the classroom management will be easier this year.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

First Post

Hi all!

I just renamed this blog to Math, Science, and Everything Nice because I am going to be teaching both math and science, specifically chemistry, next year!

This past year was my first year teaching ever! This year I taught Special Education Math in high school. I co-taught 3 study skills classes, taught a functional level math class, and split a period between 2 different senior level math classes. I am super excited about transitioning to teaching both chemistry and math!

First Day of School 2014-2015

This is a throw back to the first day of school this year. My little sister and I both teach in the same school district!